Here’s my list of Date Night ideas


As an old married, you may think that date nights are few and far between so what do I know?!! Well I was once a young whipper snapper that had many a date night so here’s my list of ideas to keep things fun and original! P.S I try and have at least one date night a month with the old hubster, two kids in it’s tricky but gosh so worth it the effort. I always feel 25 again when we go out!


1. Go bowling!

I bloomin’ love bowling, but probably cos I’m really competitive! You can always add dinner and drinks too. Nothing says ‘come to bed’ like those bowling shoes eh?


2. Have a picnic

You can make this all sorts of fun and romantic, depending on what you pack! Don’t forget a blanket and check the weather beforehand!


3. Go ice skating

Now personally I suck at ice skating, I can’t even do it holding one of those penguins, but I can imagine if you go somewhere cool, like Hampton Court then it could be oh so romantic falling into their arms when you lose balance!



4. Crack out Scrabble

Now you may think, what? Sarah this is soooo dull! But I recently re-ignited my love with Scrabble and actually it’s a really awesome game. Have a glass of wine, sit by the fire and enjoy. All those episodes of Countdown weren’t a waste of time after all!


5. Pamper each other

This can be so much fun!! Give each other facials, manicures, massages. And get to know each other ; )


6. Blind Dinner!

Each cook a course then eat it blindfolded and see if the other can guess all the tastes. Could get messy though!


7. Watch the sunset.

Drive to a viewpoint and watch the sunset together, which is approx. 5.15pm in Feb…then you can go to the pub!​​​​​​​​


8. Make cocktails together at home! 

Dig out what’s left in the drinks cupboard (seriously though who actually has a cupboard wit alcohol still in it). Anyway either get some spirits from the drinks cupboard or buy some! And get creative! Maybe limit your intake though, mixing can get messy!


9. Get arty!

Release your inner Picasso and paint portraits of each other! ​​​​​​​​This can be so funny! I really wanna do it!


10. Go for a walk.

There’s nowt more romantic than going for a walk hand in hand and just chatting. Being in nature and filling those lungs with fresh air can feel amazing. Sometimes simple is best.


Let me know if you manage to do any of these ideas or have any of your own to add to the list!


I’d love to hear from you  : )


Sarah x